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  • Exciting new presentation concept highlights a district’s brand

Exciting new presentation concept highlights a district’s brand

Sponda’s property presentations highlight the local brand, with information offered to property agents in a more dramatic way. The presentation organised at Sörnäistenkatu 2 was received enthusiastically by property agents. 

Greeting guests at the door of Sörkka 2 is Helsinki’s most famous bouncer Teemu “Pastori” Potapoff. He is hosting a new kind of property presentation, in which the property and the area are presented to property agents in a more dramatic and activity-driven way.

Kohde-esittelyn isäntänä toimii stadin tunnetuin portsari, Teemu ”Pastori” Potapoff.
The quiz is hosted by Helsinki’s most famous bouncer Teemu “Pastori” Potapoff. Among other things, the quiz reveals that Sörkka 2 is accessible by a total of 68 different means of transport.

Completed in 2008, Sörkka 2 is a full-service building that would be ideal as company headquarters. Currently, the property has two floors of available office space.

The aim of the quiz is to inform participants on how to get the most out of the property and the most distinctive area of Helsinki.

Sponda’s aim is to inform agents in a novel way about how the versatile facilities, in one of Helsinki’s most distinctive neighbourhoods, can be used most effectively. 

Sörkka 2:n demotiloihin on haettu vanhalle teollisuusalueelle sopivaa rouheaa industriaalista tyyliä.
The demo rooms in Sörkka 2 are in a rough industrial style perfectly suited to the historic industrial area. 

“In our property presentations, we aim to highlight even more strongly an area’s brand. We seek to present information about an area and a property in a new and interesting way, which is more fun and more dramatic,” says Harri Autio, Sponda’s Director of Sales.  

Teurastamo offers flavours and opportunities

In the case of Sörkka 2, this means, among other things, strong culinary experiences. In particular, Sponda wants to familiarise property agents with the flavours and opportunities offered by Teurastamo, a trendy restaurant and cultural hub located just next door.

Välittäjille tarjottavat paikalliset herkut on katettu oivaltavasti eri puolille esittelytiloja. Hulppealla sauna- ja terassiosastolla on tarjolla lihakauppa Roslundin makkaroita sekä Stadin panimon oluita. Lähiruoista valmistettu päiväll
In the LEED Gold-certified property, every detail speaks volumes about sustainability – including the apple juice served to guests. Omenasieppari’s juice is squeezed from apples that have fallen to the ground.

The local delicacies offered to the agents are spread innovatively throughout the presentation area. For example, in the sauna and terrace section, agents will come across Roslund’s delicious sausages and Stadin Panimo’s hand-brewed beer.

A lunch consisting of local produce is served in the stylish demo lounge.

Kultatason LEED-ympäristösertifikaatilla palkitun kiinteistön esittelyssä jokainen yksityiskohta kielii vastuullisuudesta – myös vieraille tarjottu omenamehu. Omenasiepparin valmistama mehu on puristettu maahan pudonneista omenoista.
In the LEED Gold-certified property, every detail speaks volumes about sustainability – including the apple juice served to guests. Omenasieppari’s juice is squeezed from apples that have fallen to the ground.

Local whiskey produced by Helsinki Distilling Company and apple juice produced by Omenasieppari are provided for tasting at tables in front of landscape windows.

Näyttävät sauna- ja kattoterassitilat tarjoavat mahdollisuuden isommankin porukan saunottamiseen.
Sörkka 2 has a penthouse sauna and gym, complete with rooftop terrace. Businesses are served by a lunch restaurant and a lobby service.

The large windows and the rooftop terrace offer captivating views over Suvilahti and Kalasatama – the landscape is punctuated by industrial structures and the shimmering sea on the horizon.

Demo spaces help visualise spatial solutions

The property presentation is based on demo spaces, in which property agents and companies can get a feel for different design solutions and realise the potential of the premises even more concretely. 

Valmiit demotilat palvelevat sekä välittäjiä että asiakkaita.
The demo spaces help customers visualise what their future workspaces could look like. Businesses can explore different furnishing and interior decoration options.

“Demo spaces help office space decision-makers actually visualise the potential of the premises, so they don’t have to simply rely on their imagination. In addition, it’s easier to perceive the functionality of the premises when you can experiment with various issues in a practical way,” explains Autio.

Demotilat auttavat välittäjiä sekä yrityksiä konkretisoimaan tulevia tilaratkaisuja.

Indeed, functionality is one of the pillars of the new presentation concept. At Sörkka 2, property agents can familiarise themselves with the property’s facilities and services through a playful activity tour.

“An exciting property presentation that highlights the area’s brand helps property agents discover the business potential of the neighbourhood for their client companies,” says Sponda’s Harri Autio.

“An exciting property presentation that highlights the area’s brand helps property agents discover the business potential of the neighbourhood for their client companies,” says Autio.

The most exciting experiences can be found on the 5th floor, where agents can explore the entire floor on electric scooters. The 1769 m2 floor has been completely stripped back, leaving only the bare concrete structures.

Tongue-in-cheek road signs give the distances to nearby services and points of interest.

The concept meets two requirements     

According to Autio, the new presentation concept meets two requirements. The first is a new-found interest among companies in local matters and traditions. The other is Sponda’s own goal of improving co-operation with property agents.

Sörnäinen has grown into a community-spirited neighbourhood with festivals and cultural events that attract visitors from all over the world. The novel property presentation concept brings the spirit of the area within the walls of the building.  

“The growth in construction of new buildings has increased the demand for old and historic areas. For example, the development of the Kalasatama area has boosted interest in the eastern parts of the city centre. Our new presentation method will help agents embrace the special characteristics of different properties and areas and find suitable business premises more quickly,” explains Autio.

Property agents were impressed: “The presentation helped me see the property in a new light”

According to CBRE Finland Oy’s Associate Director Kaisu Puolamaa, who has a long history of collaboration with Sponda, the new property presentation was delightfully different from conventional events. 

“The fun activities and the demo rooms presenting new ideas highlighted interesting facts about the property and the area. I particularly remember the excellent transport links and services, as well as the partnering opportunities offered by the area.”

I particularly remember the excellent transport links, as well as the partnering opportunities offered by the area.

In the opinion of Senior Advisor Maria Hoikkala from Newsec, experts in the property sector, rapid land development requires property owners to focus increasingly on target areas and the opportunities they present.

According to Hoikkala, the new property presentation approach and agent collaboration will enhance the leasing process.

Kiinteistöasiantuntijayritys JLL Oy:n Leasing Director Sinan Imaditdinin mukaan elämyksellinen kohde-esittely muutti käsityksen kohteesta kokonaan.
According to Leasing Director Sinan Imaditdin from JLL Oy, the innovative property demonstration presented the facts in a memorable way. “Now, it will be easier to market the property directly to the right target groups,” he says.

“The process can take up to a year, so any measures that speed up the customer’s decision-making are more than welcome. Events like this with their demo spaces improve our information gathering and help businesses better visualise their facility solutions.”

Events like this improve our information gathering and help us visualise the future facility solutions.

According to Leasing Director Sinan Imaditdin from JLL Oy, real estate experts, the innovative property presentation completely changed their impression of the property.

“Prior to the presentation, we saw the property as a government office building. The inspirational atmosphere and event programme nicely highlighted both the potential of the property and the spirit of the area. The view from the windows was also surprisingly spacious and inspiring.”

Two floors are available in the full-service building

  • Sörkka 2 is located next to Teurastamo, on the border of Sörnäinen and Hermanni.
  • The property, with modern building service systems, now has two floors of available office space that would be ideal as company headquarters.
  • The building has a lobby service, lunch restaurant, shared conference rooms, gym and sauna, roof terrace, employee facilities for those commuting by bike and parking with direct access to the office floors.
  • Constructed in 2008, the property boasts large windows and high, open spaces.
  • The property was granted a LEED Gold-level environmental certificate in 2016.
  • The Sörnäinen, Teurastamo and Kalasatama areas have several high-quality lunch spots and cafés and a rich afterwork scene.
  • The property has excellent transport links, including the metro, buses and tram lines. Those commuting by car can avoid bottlenecks in the city centre: Sörnäisten rantatie, Itäväylä and Hermannin rantatie provide quick access west, east and north.
  • For further information, please contact: Thomas Sanmark: thomas.sanmark@sponda.fi / +358 40 675 1880


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