Code of Conduct and Code of Business Conduct

Our operations are based on our Code of Conduct. Our stakeholders are guided by the Code of Business Conduct. Our stakeholders may report potential unethical conduct through the anonymous Whistleblowing channel.


Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct guides our operations both in the workplace and in relation to customers and other stakeholders. The ethical guidelines were created in 2015 and updated in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2024.

1. Compliance with laws

We know and follow the law. We carry out our business transparently, complying with applicable legislation and regulations. We also take the time and make the effort to stay up to date. We are also committed to the UN Global Compact and report accordingly.

2. Protecting the Sponda brand

We strive to be the leading real estate asset management company in Finland. Our brand is based on our values, vision and strategy. The core of our brand is to create the space to shine for our employees, tenants and other partnersd. We require our brand ambassadors to be open and respectful in their dealings with other employees and other stakeholders.

3. Human rights

People are at the heart of our business. We are committed to respecting and promoting the human rights of our employees, such as equality, non-discrimination and freedom of association. We condemn the use of child labor, forced labor and other practices that violate human rights in all their forms.

4. Health and wellbeing

A work environment that supports well-being requires a comprehensive consideration of staff needs. We promote the physical and mental occupational health and safety of our employees through proactive cooperation with occupational health care. We strive to create an atmosphere where everyone has the right to speak and be heard. We also provide comprehensive support for the career development of our employees.

5. Safety, security and convenience

The core of our business is to develop safe and comfortable real estate and urban environments. We want our properties to be safe and healthy for all users and to support our clients’ business. Our premises, located in key locations and close to good public transport connections, reduce the environmental impact during operation and enable ecological commuting.

6. Protecting the environment

Environmental responsibility is an integral part of our strategy and our operations are based on strong life cycle thinking. We take the sustainability perspective into account in everything we do and promote our goals in cooperation with our customers. Multifaceted stakeholder cooperation enables us to develop new sustainable operating models and take the whole field forward.

7. Fair and reliable operations

We strive for an open and confidential dialogue with our partners. We adhere to the highest legal and ethical standards in our operations and strongly believe that we can be the best on our own merits. We condemn bribery, money laundering and other illegal or unethical practices in all their forms.

8. Information security

Information security and confidentiality are vital to our operations. We respect privacy and process personal information in accordance with laws and regulations. We report security and privacy violations appropriately.

Our stakeholders can report any unethical activity they detect through our Whistleblowing channel.

Read more about our Code of Conduct »


Code of Business Conduct

The Code of Business Conduct, adopted in 2018 and revised in 2020, 2021 and 2024, creates a code of ethics for our stakeholders. It is the responsibility of our partners to ensure that subcontractors also follow common guidelines.

1. Compliance with laws

Our commitment to embrace the ethical principles in Sponda’s business decisions and and actions is expressed in our Code of Conduct. We comply with the applicable legislation and other legal provisions and expect our partners to do so as well.

2. Protecting the Sponda brand

All activities under our brand affect the image of our company. We expect our partners to act openly and respectfully in relation to customers and other stakeholders. Our partners may use the Sponda logo or mention Sponda as a reference only when permission has been requested.

3. Labor and human rights

We expect our partners to comply with occupational health and safety regulations and to guarantee equal treatment for their employees regardless of gender, age, health or other personal factors. Employees of our partners must have the freedom of association and the right to join the trade unions of their choice. Our partners are not allowed to use forced labor or child labor in any form.

4. Safety and security of our properties

The health and safety of our properties are key priorities for Sponda. We expect our business partners to commit themselves to continually improving their operations and ensuring user satisfaction within the built as well as indoor environment, and also to comply with safety and security policies and instructions and to report any identified risks and issues.

5. Protecting the environment

Environmental responsibility is an integral part of Sponda’s strategy.We expect our business partners to comply with all applicable environmental legislation, regulations and permits relevant to their operations. All our business partners must recognize the negative environmental impacts caused by their operations and ensure that they are appropriately managed and reduced.

6. Be fair, smart and reliable

We expect responsible operating practices from our business partners. We aim to be the best by our own merits, adhering to the highest legal and ethical standards in all our actions. Bribery, money laundering, corruption, extortion and other illegal or unethical practices are prohibited in any situation or form. Acting or advising to operate in that manner is unacceptable in all situations.

7. Information security

A business partner must ensure that all information related to the business of Sponda, any business relationships of Sponda, Sponda’s customers, personal and other confidential information, remain absolutely confidential. We comply with all applicable data privacy laws and regulations and will report all misconduct and privacy or data security breaches accordingly.

Read more about our Code of Business Conduct >> 


Our company does not condone illegal or unethical practices and we encourage our stakeholders to report any misconduct. If you notice or suspect that our cooperation networks violate Sponda’s Code of Conduct, please contact us immediately. All notifications will be treated in the strictest confidence and the necessary action will be taken subtly, respecting all parties.

If you feel you cannot make a report personally, you may submit a report anonymously through our  Whistleblowing Channel. In order to protect your identity in the safest possible way, the channel is produced for Sponda by an external service provider, WhistleB.

Get to know our Whistleblowing Policy >

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