Urban culture has room for businesses
Two million Finns connecting and sharing ideas on social media every day have given rise to phenomena such as the Restaurant Day, Cleaning Day and Kallio Block Party. Many new ideas originate in social media networks, where the contributors’ titles and career histories have suddenly become irrelevant.
Organisations are yearning to come up with their own “Restaurant Day”, a killer idea that would create new urban culture, impress customers and improve customer commitment. Companies want to be part of the communal network, but they are often hesitant to join – to offer their help, expertise, premises, tools or funding. This kind of a support from businesses could take communality ventures to the next level.
When the idea or concept is based on a true need, it is easier to get people on board. On the other hand, projects involving little or no crowdsourcing risk becoming nothing but an expensive marketing campaign that no-one ever gets excited about.
There is no way to predict for certain what will become the new hip thing in communal urban culture. The next crowd pleaser is always something of a surprise. I have come up with a few killer ideas in my work, but dozens of the ideas I’ve presented to the public have already been forgotten. Not all companies can blaze the trail, although it might seem fresh and profitable. Instead, they should find out what is hot right now and become more involved.
Promoting a great idea means being truly present, and that is what touches people and builds their commitment and gratitude. Helping or promoting others can become the new revolutionary marketing concept, product or way to use resources.
Pauliina Seppälä is one of the founders of Yhteismaa ry, the organisation behind concepts such as Cleaning Day and Nifty Neighbor. She is also a partner and employee at the Mesenaatti.me crowdfunding service. In 2016, Seppälä was selected as the social scientist of the year.
Published 18.4.2017