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  • Senior citizens’ activities at Elo

Senior citizens’ activities at Elo

Elo Shopping Centre at Ylöjärvi offers customised activities for senior citizens. The shopping centre has become a popular meeting place for senior customers.

”Bingo!” huutaa toppatakkiin pukeutunut rouva, ja lähtee juontajan kehotuksesta tuomaan kellertävää bingokuponkia kohti Linkosuon kahvion etuosaa.

Rivit tulivat täyteen. Kohta kimaltava veivikone pyörähtää uudelle kierrokselle.

Perinteisin paperikupongein järjestetyn bingon lisäksi Elon Seniori-päivä sisältää asiantuntijaluentoja omaishoidon kuormittavuudesta, muistin ja aivojen hyvinvoinnista, palveluseteleiden käytöstä, kotipalveluista sekä liikunnan merkityksestä tasapainon ja toimintakyvyn säilymiseen. Ulkopuolisina toimijoina mukana ovat muun muassa kirjasto, pankki ja Suomen senioreiden liitto.

Improving daily lives together

The shopping centre organises a range of events and activities every month, and it has become one of the most important meeting places for senior citizens in Ylöjärvi. The one-floor retail space is accessible, it is easy to move around and almost impossible to get lost. The programme includes all kinds of events. Some are targeted at families with children, some at young people and others at price or fashion conscious consumers.

“The Epiphany ball is a good example of an event that brings together people of different ages, the shopping centre’s corridor was full of dancers from all age groups. Some danced on their feet, others in wheelchairs,” says Marianna Viirre, Marketing Manager at Elo.

Elo meets the direct service needs of its senior customers, but there could still be more customised events for senior citizens. This thematic day is a much-awaited friendly gesture to the many elderly people living in the area.

“We want to take the needs of our senior customers into account and offer them customised services by the shopping centre and other local operators under one roof,” Viirre says, promising to pay special attention to any ideas for further development.

Programme was spot on

Raili Pakkanen from Viljakkala arrived to Elo early to enjoy the full day’s programme. Pakkanen’s favourite parts were the lectures on family caregiving and memory and the retro workout.

“The programme was spot on! I hope they will arrange more of these events in the future.”

Sirkka and Seppo Iiponen visit Elo almost every day. They always encounter someone they know. On some days, the shopping centre seems to be full of people they know.

“I liked the memory lecture, although I had heard pretty much all the facts before. After the workout, we bought an exercise ball at Intersport. They had a special offer on it,” Sirkka says.

Elo Shopping Centre held a day for senior citizens in March. Fressi organised the physical activities for the customers, including the retro workout in the afternoon. Troubadour Miko Hulttinen entertained the guests.​

 Published 18.4.2017
