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  • Harness the humankind’s superpower – instructions for practicing holistic presence

Harness the humankind’s superpower – instructions for practicing holistic presence

Today’s working life challenges our ability to focus on the moment. Authentic presence is a superpower that reduces stress, increases well-being, and improves teamwork and productivity. Read the instructions by psychologist and brain research expert Ville Ojanen for practicing holistic presence! 

In recent years, our ability to focus on the moment has deteriorated, both at work and in our free time. The growth of hybrid work and the constant presence of digital technology have created a distance between people and blurred the line between work and leisure. Performance culture has spread from work to relationships and family life without us even noticing it – leaving us with less time for meaningful encounters and genuine presence.   

Psychologist Ville Ojanen, who is familiar with brain research, has worked as an advocate for humane working life for more than 20 years. “The need for connection and presence is not a matter of opinion. Instead, it is the humankind’s most important fundamental value and resource based on biology,” says Ojanen.  

In addition to creating premises that foster presence, real estate investment company Sponda wants to promote well-being generated by presence in society as a whole. In its communications, the company shares content about the importance of presence and encourages both individuals and companies to practice it. With these instructions, created with the help of psychologist Ville Ojanen, you can make presence your personal superpower, which deepens your relationships, enhances your interactions and opens the doors to innovative, creative thinking.  

1. Be aware of your environment

Genuine presence requires awareness in three different directions – yourself, others and the environment. Start learning how to be present by being aware of your surroundings. Where are you, what thoughts and sensations do the things around you evoke? Use all your senses and pay attention to even the smallest details. Focus on the positives. 

2. Be aware of yourself

Then turn your attention to yourself. What are the feelings and sensations you are experiencing right now and where do they come from? Also accept negative emotions. Remember that despite experiencing varying feelings, you have everything you need for good and rewarding encounters.   

3. Limit your thoughts and feelings

Almost 60,000 unstructured thoughts crop up in the human brain each day, most of which relate to the past or the future. Exclude from your mind all thoughts and feelings that are not related to the present moment. 

4. This moment is what matters

Open your mind to the most important realisation of presence. Think of this moment as the most important moment in your life – everything else is secondary. 

5. Focus on the people present

Then focus on the person or people present. Think you can learn something new from each of them – be curious, look them in the eye, listen and ask questions.

6. Be honest, bold and open

Encounters become more meaningful when you express your own thoughts more honestly and boldly. Openness also helps others take the discussion to the next level and open up new perspectives. Keep in mind that you cannot find solutions if you do not bring up problems. Also remember that imperfection and humility are the best breeding grounds for trust and appreciation.  

7. End the encounter positively

Tell the person you encountered if the meeting was important to you. Remember that the feeling left by the encounter is more meaningful than any information exchanged. When a connection and trust is built between people, the exchange of information will be easy in the future.    

8. Cultivate your own resources

Presence requires resources. When you have time, think about when you are needed to be most present and when being present is especially difficult or easy in your day-to-day life. Consider how you could add things to your life that make presence easier. Make them a systematic part of your everyday life and explain to those closest to you that you are doing this so that you can be more present in their lives as well. 

9. Be aware that you do not always have to be present

If another person needs your presence but you do not have the capacity for it, suggest a new meeting and let them know that you are doing it because you want to give them your full attention. If you feel you did not know how to be present during an encounter, remember that it is never too late to fix it. New encounters quickly create new memory traces. 

10. Remember that in presence, it is quality, not quantity that matters

A rewarding and memorable encounter does not have to take long. For example, a child is happy to go back to play when they get their parents’ undivided attention just when they need it. This also applies to working life. Even short encounters based on genuine presence can strengthen an employee’s commitment to the workplace better than financial or professional recognitions. This is all based on biology – we are a social species for whom connection and feelings matter more than material things and knowledge.  

The most productive interaction requires genuine presence – what is reflective interaction and how can it be learned? Read the article >>

Real estate investment company Sponda wants to shake up working life by highlighting the importance of the humankind’s most important value, presence. What can we achieve as individuals, communities and society if we are truly present in what we do? What happens if we lose our most important asset once and for all? 

In its communications, Sponda also shares concrete instructions for practising presence and reflective interaction, building an organisation characterised by a sense of presence, and designing premises that create a sense of community. Sign up for our newsletter to receive all content directly to your inbox. You can also find the publications on sponda.fi or on social media using the hashtags #lasnaolo and #FlipForPresence. 
