Sponda among the top-ranking companies in global GRESB Real Estate Assessment
Sponda Ltd Press release 15 October 2021 at 9 am
Sponda among the top-ranking companies in global GRESB Real Estate Assessment
Sponda, Finland’s leading real estate asset management company, has again been ranked amongst the top companies in the international GRESB Real Estate Assessment (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark).
The assessment, which reviews and scores the environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities of real estate companies and funds to promote sustainable development, saw Sponda feature amongst the top companies for the ninth consecutive time.
Sponda was the highest-ranking company in Northern Europe and the second highest in Europe in its peer group for the GRESB Standing Investments assessment, which evaluates and benchmarks companies with operational real estate assets. For the GRESB Development assessment, which evaluates and benchmarks the ESG performance of real estate developers, it was the third highest ranking company in Europe in its reference group.
Sponda received a full five-star rating and was again awarded a Green Star for its responsibility work. The five-star rating is awarded to the top 20% of companies and funds. Sponda received 95 points (out of 100) in the Standing Investments assessment, compared to last year’s 90 points. For the Development assessment, Sponda scored 94 points, up from 91 last year.
“Our new sustainability programme was implemented at the beginning of 2020 and it is very pleasing to see the impact it is already having in helping us raise standards even higher. Every year, more businesses participate in the GRESB assessment, and this year saw almost 300 more take part than last year, which means that we are all positively challenging each other to do better. These results will help guide the direction and decisions we make in striving to be a business with sustainability and responsibility at its core.” says Pirkko Airaksinen, Sponda’s Head of ESG.
For the Standing Investments assessment, Sponda stood out for its sustainability management and practices, environmental certifications, risk management and stakeholder engagement. A reduction in energy and water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in particular contributed to the improved performance. In the Development assessment, Sponda received the top score in sustainability management and practices, environmental certifications, reporting, risk management and stakeholder engagement. The company’s results in the Energy category improved, especially in the terms of the energy efficiency of properties, the low-carbon approach and the production of renewable energy.
GRESB, first introduced in 2009, assesses all the components of corporate responsibility, with companies evaluated comprehensively in a number of areas including company-level responsibility management, the environmental performance of properties, stakeholder engagement, risk management and the sustainability of property development.
The number of participants in the GRESB assessment has increased annually, with a total of 1,520 companies and funds participating from 64 different countries this year. The total value of the 117,000 properties participating in the assessment was $5.7 trillion.
Sponda Ltd
Further information:
Anita Riikonen, Marketing and Brand Manager, tel. +358 40 833 3804, anita.riikonen@sponda.fi
Sponda Ltd is a leading real estate asset management company in Finland specialising in owning, managing, developing and letting commercial properties in the largest cities across the country. With a focus on customer-oriented solutions and high-quality properties, Sponda is actively developing best practices in the sector, enhancing the cityscape and the environment in a sustainable way, and supporting its customers. www.sponda.fi